Apple Almond Muffins

Believe it or not but this week I bought my very first muffin. I can’t remember that I ever went to a bakery in my life and bought a muffin. I always thought it is such a waste to buy muffins because making muffins are so easy and quick. This week I was in such a hurry and had to do a lot. After having breakfast at 6:30 am and not having eaten anything until 5 pm I was starving. I went to a bakery but all the sandwiches were not appealing to me but then I saw a single wholemeal apple muffin and I thought I should give it a try. To my surprise this muffins was incredible delicious.

I was so inspired by this apple muffin that I decided to make my own version of this muffin. I love, love creating my own recipes, even though there is a risk that I fail. But if I succeed and my creation turns out well I could not be happier. My Apple Almond Muffins were a success creation and it this put me in such a good mood all day long. For my taste the muffins were even better than from the bakery (the next day the muffins taste even better). In addition, these muffins are a little bit healthier than chocolate muffins for example.
Makes 6 big muffins


    • 75 g unsalted butter
    • 125 g apples (2 medium size)
    • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
    • 50 g all purpose flour
    • 50 g whole wheat flour
    • 75 g almond flour
    • 25 g fine rolled oats
    • 50 g whole cane sugar (such as Muscovado)
    • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
    • 1 pinch of salt
    • 1 egg
    • 50 g yogurt
    • 50 ml whole milk
    • 1 tablespoon almond flakes
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder
  • ¼ teaspoon baking soda


  • Preheat the oven to 180 °C.
  • Melt the butter and let it cool down.
  • In the meantime coarsely grate the apples. Sprinkle the lemon juice over the apples.
  • Mix flours, ground almonds, rolled oats, sugar, baking powder and soda, cinnamon and salt.
  • Add the egg, yogurt and milk to the cooled down melted butter and mix well.
  • Stir the butter-egg mixture together with the grated apples to the dry ingredient mixture.
  • Stir until the dry ingredients are moisture. Don’t over mix because then this will make the muffins tough.
  • Fill the batter into muffin cups (almost to the top) because the muffins will rise only a little bit. Sprinkle the muffins with almonds flakes. 
  • Bake the muffins for 20 - 25 minutes.