Baking With Marianne is Back!
I am back.
And I am back with lots of new entries and new recipes.
You probably wonder why there were no entries on my blog in the last two months. Maybe I did not bake? No. The contrary, I baked a lot, tried out a lot of new recipes, created my own recipes and edited all my food photos for my blog. I spent the happiest and relaxing time in the kitchen and then all of a sudden the drama happened. I got hacked and had twice a virus on my computer. I am still not able to use my computer and I will probably never get back my recipes and photos. I was sad and shocked (because it never ever happened in my life before) and at the same time furious about it but I am over it. It belongs to the past and I do not let me get down because of Internet criminals.
I spent the last ten days in Paris and as you can imagine I was in food heaven. Paris has the best and most beautiful bakeries and pastry shops in the world. I got so inspired and now I am suffering from severe baking fever. The first thing that I did was baking when I came home from Paris.
As I write this post there are ginger lime tartelettes in the oven. I will post the recipe this evening and expect some Paris posts as well.
Happy fall time!